Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) women scientists internship opportunity under Department of Science & Technology (DST)

WISE Internship in IPR (WISE-IPR)
The WISE Internship in IPR (WISE-IPR) is a program offered by the Department of Science & Technology (DST) of the Government of India to train women scientists in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The program is for one year and offers theoretical and on-the-job training in different fields of IPRs at various centers in India. Women in the age group of 25-45 years with a PG/Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Basic and Applied Sciences are eligible to apply, and those in permanent/regular employment are not eligible. The stipend for the one-year training varies based on the qualifications of the applicant.
A large number of women in India are highly qualified in science. Many of them are not able to pursue career in science due to domestic and social reasons. India cannot afford to miss out on the skills and talent of such highly educated women. If she aspires to remain competitive in the knowledge society, S&T as a development indicator cannot be identified only with laboratory research. Many lateral and vertical issues need to be addressed for it to become truly a development indicator. The WISE-IPR (erstwhile Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-C) has been evolved by the Government of India, Department of Science & Technology (DST) for providing opportunities to women scientists who desire to get trained in the area of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). WISE-IPR aims to train women having qualifications in science/engineering/medicine or allied areas in the area of IPR and their management for one year. The training will allow them to work from their homes and thus maintain a good balance between professional and domestic demands. The scheme is being implemented by the Patent Facilitating Centre (PFC) of the Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC) on behalf of DST.
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📱 Get More DetailsApplications invited from women scientists for selection under ‘WISE Internship in IPR (WISE-IPR)’. The WISE-IPR program (a program of the Department of Science and Technology) offers training in different fields of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). This one-year training program provides theoretical knowledge of IPRs as well as on-the-job training at various centers in the country.
Women in the age group of 25-45 years and having a PG/ Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Basic and Applied Sciences are eligible to apply. Women in permanent/ regular employment are not eligible for this program.
The stipend based on qualification for one-year training in WISE-IPR is as follows :
MSc. in Basic or Applied Sciences/ B. Tech./ MBBS or equivalent: Rs. 25,000/- pm
M. Phil. /M. Tech./ M. Pharma / M. V. Sc. or equivalent: Rs. 30,000/- pm
Ph.D. in Basic or Applied Sciences or equivalent: Rs. 35,000/- pm
- To train women having a background of science & Technology in the area of Intellectual Property Rights(IPRs).
- To develop a core of professionals, skilled and well-versed with all the dimensions of IPR laws for the protection and management of Intellectual Property.
- To empower women scientists and technologists to open up a new career avenue in IPR as well as strengthen their research.
PFC is the nodal office having overall responsibility of implementing the scheme throughout the country including training of selected candidates. It has set up four more coordination centers apart from PFC, namely, Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru; Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur and CSIR-Unit for Research & Development of Information Products (URDIP), Pune and Assam Science & Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC), Guwahati for facilitating the training of candidates
Selection will be through an all-India online examination and interview. Shortlisted candidates meeting the eligibility criteria will be called for the online test. The online exam will be conducted simultaneously at all Examination Centres on the same date under the supervision of PFC and respective Coordination Centres. A merit list will be drawn after the online exam for interview and such successful candidates will be informed. The online exam will be mainly objective, having negative marking, and aimed at determining the analytical, scientific, and technical abilities. Similarly, interviews will be held at the Coordination Centres.
Application submission: Applications can be submitted only through online mode.
The duration of the online examination will be 2 hours and the total number of questions will be 120. The questions will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ type).
The question Paper will have 2 Sections of 60 questions each, namely Section A (General Section) and Section B (Technical Subject Section). Section A will be common for all. Section B will be different for different candidates as per their subject stream. Candidates will be able to view Questions in Section B based on their subject stream The Section-wise details are given below:
Section A (General Section): This section will have 60 questions common to each paper to be attempted by every candidate. These questions will be on General Aptitude, Quantitative Aptitude, Mental Ability, General Science and General Awareness, IPRs, and English language.
Sections B (Technical Subject Section): This section will have 60 questions of 10+2/UG/PG degree level with a suitable mix.
These questions will be from the following technical subject domains:
Chemistry and Chemical Sciences
Food, Drugs & Pharma
Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Mechanical, Production, Industrial Engg, Civil Engg, Structural Engg, Construction Engg, Transportation Engg, Material Science Engg
Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation & Biomedical Engg
Computer Science/ Engg, IT, and Information & Communication Technology
Others (Science & Engg /Technology subjects not covered in above domains)
In case the subject chosen by the candidate in the online application form does not relate to her (UG/PG) qualification, then the candidate will be shifted to the group as per her last / highest qualification. Such change will be reflected in the Admit Card.
There will be negative markings in the examination. Each correct answer will carry 1 mark while for each wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.
Contact person: Ms. Sangeeta Nagar, Scientist-F, TIFAC, New Delhi-110016 through
email: ki**********@ti***.in
Last date for submission of online Applications: 31 May 2023
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