Gujarat Biotechnology Research Center (GAR) – inviting applications for Scientist-B and Technical Assistant

gujarat biotechnology research center gar jobs781961042477202446

ADVERTISEMENT NO:-0282022: Applications are invited from 16/09/2022 to 06/10/2022 to select the following posts in Gujarat Biotechnology Research Center (GAR) under Science & Technology Gujarat Government. The application received after the date will not be accepted. Among this advertisement, the candidate has to complete the application online and send a copy of the application along with the candidate’s signature and color passport photo to the address of JABRC by post or career mart. The process of application and selection is mentioned below.

Nationality: The candidate should be a citizen of India or possess the nationality as per provision of rule-7 of Gujarat Civil Service Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1963.

Scientist-B (Group – I)
Total no of vacancies – 4

Preferable specialization area fro Scientist-B

No. of post

  • Animal Biotechnology 2
  • Industrial/Environmental Biotechnology 1
  • Marine Biotechnology 1
  • Total 4

Technical Assistant (Group-III)
Total no of vacancies – 3

Scientist-B (Group-1)

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Educational Qualification (Preferable) for
Animal Biotechnology

  • Ph.D. in Science/ Engineering/ Technology/
  • Veterinary Science/ Pharmacy in any subject
  • mentioned in the Annexure-I to this advertisement from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State or a Provincial Act in India; or any other educational institution recognised as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; and
  • Master’s degree in Science/ Engineering/
  • Technology / Veterinary Science/ Pharmacy in any subject mentioned in the Annexure-I to this
  • advertisement with at least 60% marks from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State or a Provincial Act in India; or any other educational institution recognised as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956;

Age not be more than 40 years of age

Knowledge of Computer

Candidate must possess certificate/marksheet of basic knowledge of Computer from training institute or should have results with computer as a subject in degree or diploma curriculum from Government approved University or should have passed 10th or 12th examination with computer as a subject as prescribed by GAD in Government Resolution No. CRR/10-
2007/08/2008 dated 13/08/2008

Language Proficiency : Candidate should have adequate knowledge in Gujarati or Hindi or both.

Pay Scale (Pay Metrics) : Rs. 56,100-1,77,500 (Level-10) (As per 7th Pay

Technical Assistant (Group – III)

Educational Qualification :

  • Possess a Master’s degree in Science/ Engineering/ Technology / Veterinary Science/ Pharmacy in any subject mentioned in the Annexure-IV to this
  • advertisement with at least 60% marks from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State or a Provincial Act in India;
  • or any other educational institution recognised as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956;

Age Not be more than 37 years of age

Knowledge of Computer

  • Candidate must possess certificate/marksheet of basic knowledge of Computer from training institute or should have results with computer as a subject in degree or diploma curriculum from Government approved University or should have passed 10th or 12th examination with computer as a subject as prescribed by GAD in Government Resolution No. CRR/10- 2007/08/2008 dated 13/08/2008

Language Proficiency : Candidate should have adequate knowledge in Gujarati or Hindi or both.

Monthly Fix pay for the initial Five years : Rs. 38,090/

Fill the details in date order.

  • In case of application made more than once, the first application will be considered valid (12) Before applying, the candidate has to deposit the fee according to his category. and application fee in any case Part will not be available.
  • Under this advertisement, every candidate has to pay his due fee through SBI-Collect, the link of which is According to
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gujarat biotechnology research center gar jobs781961042477202446
Gujarat Biotechnology Research Center (GAR) – inviting applications for Scientist-B and Technical Assistant

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